Welcome, friend, for visiting our association site of German social club „Erzengel“, which means archangel translated.
We’re an association founded to defend peoples personal human rights, especially in family law, social law and criminal law.
We formed us in may 2022. Our motto:
„Your dedicated advocacy for the protection of fundamental and human rights, especially in family law proceedings.
Our association motto
We stand up for you. And we take care.“
Becoming member of our association helps us to help you. We’re allowed to lead you through proceedings. Our legal professionals will help you with argumentation and advise you.
You can allways take a call at our number 015678/108800. But don’t forget to schedule your private advice at our calendar. Youre welcome, and we can advise you in german and english language.
We will try to translate this webpage in the future. Until then feel free to contact us via email, whatsapp or messenger.